Episode 259

Published on:

17th Jan 2024

Cultivating Community Wellbeing with Curtis Barnett

This week on the Be Epic podcast, Brent sits down with Curtis Barnett, President and CEO of Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield and a member of the Walton College Dean's Executive Advisory Board. Curtis begins the conversation by sharing the mission of Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield, which is to improve the health, financial security, and peace of mind for members and communities that they serve. They explore the company's significant statewide presence, with Barnett reflecting on his 30 years with the firm and his journey to CEO. The episode also highlights the upcoming Business Forecast Luncheon, where Curtis will serve as the moderator. Throughout the episode listeners will enjoy Curtis' perspective as a healthcare leader and his commitment to community involvement. He offers valuable takeaways for listeners interested in business strategy and healthcare innovation.

Curtis Barnett:

Our mission is to improve the health, financial

Curtis Barnett:

security and the peace of mind of the members and communities

Curtis Barnett:

that we serve.

Brent Williams:

Welcome to the be epic podcast brought to you

Brent Williams:

by the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of

Brent Williams:

Arkansas. I'm your host, Brent Williams. Together, we'll

Brent Williams:

explore the dynamic landscape of business, and uncover the

Brent Williams:

strategies, insights and stories that drive business today.

Brent Williams:

Well, today I have with me Curtis Barnett, and Curtis is

Brent Williams:

the president and CEO of Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Brent Williams:

Curtis, thank you for joining me today. Hey, Brent, it's great to

Brent Williams:

be with you. Well, Curtis, we've known each other for some time,

Brent Williams:

you serve on the Dean's Executive Advisory Board at the

Brent Williams:

Sam M. Walton College of Business so thank you for that.

Curtis Barnett:

Sure, sure. My pleasure.

Brent Williams:

And coming up soon you'll be moderating the

Brent Williams:

college's business forecast luncheon. And I'm really looking

Brent Williams:

forward to the luncheon on January the 26th.

Curtis Barnett:

Yeah I am too Brent, it's quite an honor to be

Curtis Barnett:

asked by by you and Mervin to to get to be a part of that

Curtis Barnett:

program. I've been a big fan for a number of years I've attended

Curtis Barnett:

in the past and certainly watched during the COVID years

Curtis Barnett:

as well and have enjoyed the program and know that the people

Curtis Barnett:

in Northwest Arkansas in particular, but throughout the

Curtis Barnett:

state of Arkansas get a lot of value out of that program as

Curtis Barnett:


Brent Williams:

Absolutely, I think it is one of if not, if

Brent Williams:

not the largest event that the college puts on each year. And

Brent Williams:

if you're listening and having attended the business forecast

Brent Williams:

luncheon in the past it it is it is quite an event. It's people

Brent Williams:

from all over the state as attendees. But it's a really

Brent Williams:

great chance to get a perspective on international,

Brent Williams:

domestic, and local economic issues and trends. And I assume

Brent Williams:

you've taken value from those in the past?

Curtis Barnett:

I have no question. I mean, for me, it

Curtis Barnett:

falls almost perfectly for the annual report that I give to my

Brent Williams:

Absolutely. And the the moderator serves a

Brent Williams:

board of directors and to our to our members that our annual

Brent Williams:

really important role in this. And it is it's very intentional,

Brent Williams:

meeting of members each year. So I take a lot of information that

Brent Williams:

I gather from that meeting and share it because when we think

Brent Williams:

that we have a business leader, moderating to be able to help

Brent Williams:

about the economic environment, as well as the opportunities

Brent Williams:

that may exist over the next year or two as we look forward.

Brent Williams:

put it in context, you know, for the audience, and honestly,

Brent Williams:

probably for the forecasters or the economic economic experts.

Curtis Barnett:

Sure, sure. Yeah, as I thought through

Curtis Barnett:

trends, I keep finding myself looking at it from from my

Curtis Barnett:

vantage point and, and try to make sure that I'm looking at it

Curtis Barnett:

more broadly. But also have to remember that you asked me to do

Curtis Barnett:

this for a reason. So

Brent Williams:

that's right.

Curtis Barnett:

Hopefully my vantage point brings value to

Curtis Barnett:

this as well.

Brent Williams:

Well, one thing I want us to talk about is what

Brent Williams:

trends are on your mind. But maybe before that, I'd love for

Brent Williams:

everyone out there to get to know you a little bit better.

Brent Williams:

Like I said, I've gotten the chance to know you for for many

Brent Williams:

years, but you serve as president and CEO of Arkansas

Brent Williams:

Blue Cross Blue Shield, maybe that'd be a great place to just

Brent Williams:

start of you know, the organization and and the people

Brent Williams:

that you serve

Curtis Barnett:

And Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield, this is

Curtis Barnett:

actually our 75th anniversary of the founding of our company,

Curtis Barnett:

December 3 to be more precise is when we celebrated that and

Curtis Barnett:

we're very honored to have opportunity to serve Arkansans

Curtis Barnett:

as well as people from outside the state of Arkansas, we serve

Curtis Barnett:

about 2 million members nationally. I think a lot of

Curtis Barnett:

people may not be aware of that. A lot of that membership comes

Curtis Barnett:

with some of the national account customers that we're

Curtis Barnett:

able to help provide services to. We have a little over 3000

Curtis Barnett:

employees, have the Corporate Center here in Little Rock, one

Curtis Barnett:

in Northwest Arkansas as well in Springdale that we opened nearly

Curtis Barnett:

three years ago now as well as welcome centers and regional

Curtis Barnett:

offices in seven other parts of our state. So truly are a

Curtis Barnett:

statewide company and one that's committed to not only helping

Curtis Barnett:

our members, but also we do our absolute best to be ingrained in

Curtis Barnett:

the communities that we served as well.

Brent Williams:

Because your mission I know is to promote

Brent Williams:

health across the state.

Curtis Barnett:

That's right. Our mission is to improve the

Curtis Barnett:

health, financial security and the peace of mind of the members

Curtis Barnett:

and communities that we serve. And we talk about that often.

Curtis Barnett:

And it's something that we take to heart and it's something that

Curtis Barnett:

our employees are very proud of serve.

Brent Williams:

Well thank you for the way you invest in our

Brent Williams:

state and in the communities around the state. Tell us a

Brent Williams:

little bit about your career journey because one doesn't just

Brent Williams:

land in the president and CEO job.

Curtis Barnett:

Well, I've been lucky I was elected CEO in 2017.

Curtis Barnett:

But this is actually my 30th

Brent Williams:


Curtis Barnett:

with the company as well. So just celebrated 30

Curtis Barnett:

years, and it's one that never necessarily expected but it's

Curtis Barnett:

flown by the blink of an eyes. It's move that quickly. And

Curtis Barnett:

fortunately, you know, throughout my career, I was able

Curtis Barnett:

to work in a lot of different parts of our company and started

Curtis Barnett:

out working in communities working closely with large

Curtis Barnett:

employers, primary care physicians, hospital

Curtis Barnett:

administrators, mainly in rural parts of our state, throw in a

Curtis Barnett:

product at the time that we had called the primary care network

Curtis Barnett:

product. And I worked in about eight different cities in

Curtis Barnett:

Northeast Arkansas, Southwest Arkansas, and would meet with

Curtis Barnett:

these groups of individuals, large employers, again primary

Curtis Barnett:

care doctors and, and hospital administrators and work on ways

Curtis Barnett:

that we can help manage cost and provide good quality health care

Curtis Barnett:

in those local communities and towns like Osceola, towns like

Curtis Barnett:

Batesville, which you're familiar with, town Ashdown,

Curtis Barnett:

DeQueen places lock that in. And it really gave me a love not

Curtis Barnett:

only for our business, but I love and even greater

Curtis Barnett:

appreciation for the people of our state, and the challenges

Curtis Barnett:

that they deal with every day to provide good affordable health,

Curtis Barnett:

health care in those communities.

Brent Williams:

You know, one thing you said there that I

Brent Williams:

think it's interesting that many might not think about, you know,

Brent Williams:

for a company like Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield, is that

Brent Williams:

you're working with not only your members, but you're working

Brent Williams:

with hospital systems, providers, community

Brent Williams:

stakeholders, there's a lot of stakeholders with what you do.

Curtis Barnett:

Oh, no question about that. And, and we're so

Curtis Barnett:

dependent on one another, that you really the success overall,

Curtis Barnett:

is how well that you can work together and how well you can

Curtis Barnett:

collaborate together. And that doesn't always show through. And

Curtis Barnett:

in many cases, you know, we find ourselves at odds on different

Curtis Barnett:

types of issues. But at the end of the day, when we're sitting

Curtis Barnett:

down with hospital leaders, physician leaders, we find

Curtis Barnett:

ourselves much more often than not working toward a common

Curtis Barnett:


Brent Williams:

So you worked in rural areas of the state. And

Brent Williams:

then I assumed that continued to evolve?

Brent Williams:

I do,

Curtis Barnett:

and was struggling with that, and the

Curtis Barnett:

I did and, and was promoted from there worked

Curtis Barnett:

in our product development area for a period of time, got to be

Curtis Barnett:

the business lead in our pharmacy division, mass pharmacy

Curtis Barnett:

division. And that was a period of time when you really saw

Curtis Barnett:

direct-to-consumer advertising began to take off in the

Curtis Barnett:

company asked me if I would take that division over, and in maybe

Curtis Barnett:

pharmaceutical industry. So a lot of demand for prescription

Curtis Barnett:

drugs at that time. So we were trying to manage the demand for

Curtis Barnett:

those drugs with with the cost implications of that as well.

Curtis Barnett:

And how do we go about doing that. So that was a fascinating

Curtis Barnett:

period of time. And then in the late 1990s, around 2000, we had

Curtis Barnett:

a part of our business that was going through a systems

Curtis Barnett:

conversion, getting ready for y2k, you remember when that was

Curtis Barnett:

a big deal.

Curtis Barnett:

help be involved with turning that around. And that was really

Curtis Barnett:

a turning point for my career. And it was a turning point in

Curtis Barnett:

many ways, for my life as well, because that was the first

Curtis Barnett:

opportunity, I had to lead a large group of people. So I had

Curtis Barnett:

about 125 or so people who reported up to me at that time,

Curtis Barnett:

which seemed very large, especially at that time, and we

Curtis Barnett:

were going through a difficult time. But it was long days, a

Curtis Barnett:

lot of hours. But it was one of those that was so rewarding,

Curtis Barnett:

because we turned it around and we made that organization even

Curtis Barnett:

better than what had had been before and really set it on a on

Curtis Barnett:

a path to be successful in the future. And that was a great

Curtis Barnett:


Brent Williams:

And that sort of launched you into the next phase

Brent Williams:

of your career?

Curtis Barnett:

It did, it did I continue to be involved with the

Curtis Barnett:

operations part of our company, which when you think of a payer,

Curtis Barnett:

a health plan like ours, that's a lot of claims processing,

Curtis Barnett:

customer service, membership support, a lot of our

Curtis Barnett:

information systems and technology areas. So at one

Curtis Barnett:

point before I became CEO I had had over half of our 3000

Curtis Barnett:

employees reported up to me so really have been involved in the

Curtis Barnett:

people side of our business, the technology side as well, but

Curtis Barnett:

very much grounded in the people side of our business throughout

Curtis Barnett:

my career, which has been very rewarding.

Brent Williams:

Yeah. Well, you know, in getting to interact

Brent Williams:

with you, I think probably every time that I've talked with you

Brent Williams:

one on one, I hear you talk about your people, and how

Brent Williams:

important that is to you as a leader.

Brent Williams:

Absolutely, as you should be, well, congratulations,

Curtis Barnett:

Oh, there's no question. And I mean, it really

Curtis Barnett:

is everything to our company. I mean, we talk every day about

Curtis Barnett:

the human side of healthcare. Certainly technology is

Curtis Barnett:

Thank you.

Curtis Barnett:

important and we want to be best in class in technology and

Brent Williams:

Well, as you you know, think about moderating and

Brent Williams:

aspire to be as good as we possibly can. But at the end of

Brent Williams:

think about, you know, the audience that typically attends,

Brent Williams:

the day, the human side of healthcare is what makes the

Brent Williams:

difference. And so we stress that on an ongoing basis. You

Brent Williams:

know, we love our members we think our employees are key to

Brent Williams:

to serving our members effectively. Employee engagement

Brent Williams:

is a big part of one of the biggest metrics we look at we've

Brent Williams:

been very lucky over the years to build a culture that really

Brent Williams:

reinforces employee engagement. And we just got our results back

Brent Williams:

matter-of-fact in the last couple of weeks and once again,

Brent Williams:

with the benchmarks that we do, we finished among the top 10% of

Brent Williams:

employers nationally in employee engagement scores. And that's

Brent Williams:

something we're very proud of.

Brent Williams:

you know, our business forecast lunch, and again, businesses

Brent Williams:

from throughout the state. You know, I'd love to pick your

Brent Williams:

brain a little bit about, you know, some of the things that

Brent Williams:

you're thinking about maybe don't have fully informed

Brent Williams:

opinions on or fully developed opinions on, I should say, and

Brent Williams:

maybe I'll just start with healthcare, you know, it's the

Brent Williams:

area that you're focused in very, very important to

Brent Williams:

Arkansans, just as you're looking at the state of

Brent Williams:

healthcare, and what's coming, any anything on your mind?

Curtis Barnett:

Well, I think when you look at health care,

Curtis Barnett:

probably the biggest challenge we face today is around shortage

Curtis Barnett:

of providers, you know, we're seeing it in physicians and

Curtis Barnett:

nurses and other professionals as well. So, you know, are we

Curtis Barnett:

doing the things that we need to be doing at this point to really

Curtis Barnett:

shore up our, our supply of providers going forward,

Curtis Barnett:

especially when you look out over the next five or 10 years,

Curtis Barnett:

the pandemic took a took a huge toll on employee participation

Curtis Barnett:

rates in those areas. And it's one that we've got to continue

Curtis Barnett:

to, to shore up and improve as we look to the future,

Curtis Barnett:

especially when you think about health care going forward, aging

Curtis Barnett:

population, when you look at the health status, that

Curtis Barnett:

unfortunately, if it's not getting worse, it's sort of not

Curtis Barnett:

getting any better, either. And so we're going to need a robust

Curtis Barnett:

workforce going forward in healthcare in order to be

Curtis Barnett:

successful. So that's one area I'd like to spend a little bit

Curtis Barnett:

of time. I think another area is, you know, we recently a lot

Curtis Barnett:

of attention paid to the lithium deposits in South Arkansas,

Curtis Barnett:

lithium extraction and Exxon Mobil's their their announcement

Curtis Barnett:

in the last couple of weeks. And when you think about Arkansas,

Curtis Barnett:

you think about what's been going on in Northwest Arkansas

Curtis Barnett:

for really last many years with the boom that's occurred there,

Curtis Barnett:

and the economic strength of that region, Northeast Arkansas,

Curtis Barnett:

with steel industry and Mississippi County, in

Curtis Barnett:

particular. Fort Smith, you know, which has been improving

Curtis Barnett:

over the last several years, but now is ready, I think, to even

Curtis Barnett:

take another big jump with a pilot training program that's

Curtis Barnett:

going to be offered through the through the with the Air Force

Curtis Barnett:

and all in that community. And now South Arkansas, I think a

Curtis Barnett:

lot of people are describing that, that we're in that we

Curtis Barnett:

could be in a golden age of economic development here in the

Curtis Barnett:

State. And I'd like for us to maybe spend a little bit of time

Curtis Barnett:

talking about that. And do our panelists agree that we are in

Curtis Barnett:

that golden age? And if we or even if especially if we aren't,

Curtis Barnett:

what are a couple of actions that we can take to make sure

Curtis Barnett:

that we do continue to move forward the way that we can and

Curtis Barnett:

take advantage of this momentum?

Brent Williams:

Yeah, you know, I agree that Arkansas seems

Brent Williams:

really well positioned across the state in many ways. You

Brent Williams:

know, you mentioned all of those different areas. You know, we

Brent Williams:

also see tourism and outdoor recreation growing. We see the

Brent Williams:

arts growing. So it is an interesting time in Arkansas.

Curtis Barnett:

It is it is and then what conversation wouldn't

Curtis Barnett:

complete be complete in this day and age without talking about

Curtis Barnett:

AI? To some extent, I think we're now we're just a little

Curtis Barnett:

bit over a year since chat GPT, you know, was released. And so

Curtis Barnett:

you think about the attention that AI and especially

Curtis Barnett:

generative aI have gotten over the last year. And I'd like for

Curtis Barnett:

our panelists to talk a little bit about how they see that

Curtis Barnett:

really impacting our economy, and then which industries they

Curtis Barnett:

feel like are best positioned at this point to really maximize

Curtis Barnett:

and optimize productivity as it relates to AI.

Brent Williams:

Yeah, I think that will be an interesting

Brent Williams:

discussion. And particularly, you know, there's always this

Brent Williams:

balance, right of productivity and potential job loss. I know,

Brent Williams:

you know, I have my own thoughts about the way that technology

Brent Williams:

tends to disrupt, but it tends to grow, you know, the economy,

Brent Williams:

but certainly, there's different views and opinions on that.

Curtis Barnett:

That's right. That's right. I think you and I

Curtis Barnett:

have talked before and it's something that we talk again

Curtis Barnett:

about within our company at Arkansas Blue Cross, how do we

Curtis Barnett:

find that harmony, you know that harmony between, again, being

Curtis Barnett:

human focused, and then technology and I think with with

Curtis Barnett:

AI and the potential that it brings, it's going to be even

Curtis Barnett:

more incumbent upon us to find that sweet spot and then balance

Curtis Barnett:

that you're talking about.

Brent Williams:

I suspect one thing that we will hear at least

Brent Williams:

something about is what's happening with inflation and the

Brent Williams:

way that you know, maybe it's slowed down, but certainly it's

Brent Williams:

something I'm sure you've been paying attention to.

Curtis Barnett:

We have, you know, very closely and when you

Curtis Barnett:

look at, you know, the job market still tends to be very

Curtis Barnett:

strong right now, we do see inflation, I think continuing to

Curtis Barnett:

come down, you know, economic growth tends to continue to be

Curtis Barnett:

positive. But, you know, there are a lot of indicators out

Curtis Barnett:

there, that would give you some cause for concern. And

Curtis Barnett:

certainly, for those companies that are in the transportation

Curtis Barnett:

industry, they've seen, you know, freight recession, we've

Curtis Barnett:

heard that quite a bit referenced over the last six to

Curtis Barnett:

nine months. And if you think of that as a leading indicator,

Curtis Barnett:

then what does that mean for the general economy at some point?

Brent Williams:

Yeah, that's that is exactly right. You know,

Brent Williams:

I think also interest rates will probably come up if I had to

Brent Williams:


Curtis Barnett:

That's something we can all identify with. And

Curtis Barnett:

exactly, I think it will no question and just the the

Curtis Barnett:

overall tightening of the money supply, and what does that mean

Curtis Barnett:

for economic activity going forward?

Brent Williams:

Yeah. And certainly, I assume there will

Brent Williams:

be some discussion about, you know, predicting the Feds next

Brent Williams:

moves, which many, many like to do, can be a little hard to

Brent Williams:

predict. But certainly, that's clearly, have having an effect

Brent Williams:

and will continue to have

Curtis Barnett:

No question, as well as I mean, just think about

Curtis Barnett:

the geopolitical situation around the world right now. We

Curtis Barnett:

have two wars that are being fought, you know, we've got our

Curtis Barnett:

challenges, certainly in our relationship with China, between

Curtis Barnett:

China and the United States. And so how is that going, you know,

Curtis Barnett:

here recently, we've had some maybe attempts to follow that

Curtis Barnett:

relationship, we'll see if those are beginning to take hold. And

Curtis Barnett:

then it really you think about coming out of the pandemic, and

Curtis Barnett:

a lot of countries United States included, really took a more

Curtis Barnett:

proactive view of industrial policies. So again, how can you

Curtis Barnett:

build a more resilient economy within your own country and be

Curtis Barnett:

able to produce more things there? And we certainly are

Curtis Barnett:

seeing that in the US with the semiconductor industry funds

Curtis Barnett:

going there. And so what has been the impact of that not only

Curtis Barnett:

in our country, but also globally as well. So I think

Curtis Barnett:

there's plenty to talk about. And I don't know that there's

Curtis Barnett:

ever been a more time, when you think about economic conditions

Curtis Barnett:

and issues, as well as the political environment, where

Curtis Barnett:

these things come together in such an impactful way.

Brent Williams:

Yeah, that's right. You know, there's a lot

Brent Williams:

happening out there, right. And and disentangling those things

Brent Williams:

is not always easy, and maybe not even always possible,

Brent Williams:

because they do interact with one another. But, you know, if

Brent Williams:

you think about, you know, we've talked about inflation, we've

Brent Williams:

talked about interest rates, they've been moving. You just

Brent Williams:

mentioned geopolitically, you know, lots of things happening

Brent Williams:

across the world that have both short and long term impacts to

Brent Williams:

them. And then I suspect, you know, it'll be January 2024,

Brent Williams:

we're in an election cycle next year, domestically, right. So

Brent Williams:

you put put that all together.

Curtis Barnett:

Well not only do you have what's our own election

Curtis Barnett:

here in the United States, but it seems like I read recently,

Curtis Barnett:

two thirds of the democratic nations of the world will be

Curtis Barnett:

going through an election in 2024. So we're going to see a

Curtis Barnett:

lot of political activity, again, that's going to influence

Curtis Barnett:

things economically throughout the world during this time

Curtis Barnett:


Brent Williams:

Curtis as a, as a CEO, you know, when you think

Brent Williams:

about right, these are broad issues that are happening across

Brent Williams:

the world. And this is this is why this moderator's role is so

Brent Williams:

important. How did how does the how does the CEO leader of an

Brent Williams:

Arkansas company, how do you distill that and think about,

Brent Williams:

and then how do you bring it, you know, into your company? And

Brent Williams:

either use it actually, or communicate it, you know,

Brent Williams:

correctly to the organization?

Curtis Barnett:

Yeah, that's a great question, Brent. And it's

Curtis Barnett:

something that, that I feel like is one of the most important

Curtis Barnett:

jobs of a CEO is to really be that link to the outside world,

Curtis Barnett:

the external world and to take this information. And certainly

Curtis Barnett:

you always need, you know, good, good support from your, your

Curtis Barnett:

leadership team to be able to do this, but to take that

Curtis Barnett:

information, and to begin to distill it in such a way that it

Curtis Barnett:

can be of value within your organization. You know, we spent

Curtis Barnett:

quite a bit of time just as an example, earlier this year,

Curtis Barnett:

watching, obviously, very closely, the Congress and where

Curtis Barnett:

they approve a budget, you know, going forward, what are the

Curtis Barnett:

implications for our business? And we have to be thinking about

Curtis Barnett:

that, you know, in healthcare, what happens if certain types of

Curtis Barnett:

payments gets suspended or other issues began to take shape? What

Curtis Barnett:

does that do? You know, we have an investment portfolio, you

Curtis Barnett:

know, that we rely upon for for income. And so what happens to

Curtis Barnett:

that so you begin, you know, modeling and thinking through

Curtis Barnett:

all those issues, and again, it's an important part of my

Curtis Barnett:

job, I feel like is okay, what is, you know, where do we really

Curtis Barnett:

focus when there are so many different things out there that

Curtis Barnett:

that could distract you if you're not careful.

Brent Williams:

So, Curtis, you know, as CEO, I know you

Brent Williams:

spending some of your time thinking, you know, you've got

Brent Williams:

to manage to the quarter and and annually, you're thinking 5, 10

Brent Williams:

years out? How do you kind of balance that in your role?

Curtis Barnett:

Yeah, Brent, that's a great question. And you

Curtis Barnett:

know, what I try to do is, is balance is a great way to say

Curtis Barnett:

it, and it probably is a little bit seasonal as well, and

Curtis Barnett:

especially first quarter of the year, again, thinking much more

Curtis Barnett:

longer term at that point, and not just looking at the rest of

Curtis Barnett:

the year. But again, that three to 5, 10 year time period, spend

Curtis Barnett:

quite a bit of time other parts of the year as well, thinking

Curtis Barnett:

through that we have our board, we bring them together for

Curtis Barnett:

dedicated retreat session in the summer spend a lot of time

Curtis Barnett:

getting ready for that as well. So if I had to ballpark it on

Curtis Barnett:

time, I'd say probably, I don't know, 40% or so of my time is

Curtis Barnett:

really spent thinking out in the future like that.

Brent Williams:

Well, one thing I really liked about the

Brent Williams:

forecast luncheon is there's some there's some near term

Brent Williams:

information. And then there's certainly some longer term

Brent Williams:

information. And so you kind of get a, you get a view,

Brent Williams:

geographically local, domestic international, but then you also

Brent Williams:

get it over time horizons as well.

Curtis Barnett:

That's right. You know, one thing I've enjoyed

Curtis Barnett:

doing is I get the, again, I do provide each March a really

Curtis Barnett:

actually required through our bylaws to provide a annual

Curtis Barnett:

report to our members and to our directors. And so as I'm working

Curtis Barnett:

on the one for this year, I always go back and look at the

Curtis Barnett:

previous years. So how right was basically. And I'm pretty good

Brent Williams:

Pretty good forecaster.

Curtis Barnett:

I wouldn't say that I'm great, but I'm pretty

Curtis Barnett:

good. I hit it more times than not. And, and it's amazing, when

Curtis Barnett:

you look at that. And in sometimes it's just a matter of

Curtis Barnett:

degree things that you really thought were gonna be, you know,

Curtis Barnett:

significant issues, they turned out to be an issue, but not

Curtis Barnett:

quite as much as you thought, but then those that kind of

Curtis Barnett:

sneak up on you as well. So it's always interesting and helpful

Curtis Barnett:

to go through that exercise and that process, because, again, my

Curtis Barnett:

role is to help interpret that for the rest of our

Curtis Barnett:

organization, it is so important.

Brent Williams:

Yeah, that's right. And I think that that's

Brent Williams:

so much of the value that really comes out of the business

Brent Williams:

forecast luncheon. And, you know, another thing that I think

Brent Williams:

we'll we'll get to see is there, there's some real localized

Brent Williams:

issues that we'll discuss, one of which, you know, in Northwest

Brent Williams:

Arkansas, particularly, is housing and availability of

Brent Williams:

housing and affordability of housing. And I think probably

Brent Williams:

that affordability is is something that stretches across

Brent Williams:

every region of Arkansas.

Curtis Barnett:

That's right, there's no question and, you

Curtis Barnett:

know, not only are we in statewide employer, I mean, we

Curtis Barnett:

have a significant employee presence in Northwest Arkansas.

Curtis Barnett:

So we hear that from our employees, we'd like to have

Curtis Barnett:

even more employees up in Northwest Arkansas as well. But

Curtis Barnett:

one of the challenges that we do run into is affordable housing.

Curtis Barnett:

So we know that the business leadership, the Northwest

Curtis Barnett:

Arkansas Council, others have made housing a priority. You

Curtis Barnett:

know, we're certainly supportive of that and glad to play any

Curtis Barnett:

role that we can to help make that happen. But that is one

Curtis Barnett:

that's going to be critical. We think in order for that region

Curtis Barnett:

to continue to grow the way that it has and really be all that it

Curtis Barnett:

can be going forward.

Brent Williams:

Absolutely. Well, Curtis, thank you for

Brent Williams:

agreeing to be our moderator. I know you'll do a fantastic job.

Brent Williams:

And I really look forward to getting to hear the

Brent Williams:

international perspective. The domestic perspective, I'm a

Brent Williams:

little biased, the statewide perspective with Mervin is

Brent Williams:

usually my favorite he tends to be one of the most entertaining.

Curtis Barnett:

Well, Mervin is quite the talent, there's no

Curtis Barnett:

question so so Brent I again, I'm looking forward to it. Thank

Curtis Barnett:

you again so much for for allowing me to to serve in that

Curtis Barnett:

capacity. And and I can't wait,

Brent Williams:

me either.

Curtis Barnett:

All right. Thank you.

Brent Williams:

Thank you. On behalf of the Walton College

Brent Williams:

thank you for joining us for this captivating conversation to

Brent Williams:

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Brent Williams:

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Be EPIC Podcast
Welcome to the Be Epic Podcast featuring Brent Williams, interim dean of the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. In each episode, you will hear from guests that will inspire you to be epic. As experts in their field, they will emphasize strategy, leadership, and entrepreneurship. This programming will highlight innovation and cutting-edge information that will leave you wanting more. Be sure to connect with Brent Williams on LinkedIn to join the conversation, access show notes and discover fantastic bonus content.